Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cymru chi rhyfeddod?

Okay so I know I really haven't gone over, at all where the hell Wales is, why I use the language on my blog and why it even matters!

Okay well one explanation is that I'm Welsh myself, only through my heritage, like I've said before I've lived in Phoenix my whole life. I've really started to wonder about my culture a little bit more lately. When I was younger my Mom always said that her side of the family originated in Wales but at that time I always thought of the big fat mammal that roams the sea! When I started writing the blog this month is when I really got interested in the language itself. I thought that by learning it I could maybe build a bridge from a complete lack of understanding of my heritage, to someone who was proud and confident in it! So far it has been a very enlightening experience to learn certain phrases in Welsh, I don't know it almost makes me feel like I have a special link to a part of me, my ancestry.

Part of looking into Welsh culture is also my search for meaning, I mean we all search for meaning in some area of our lives, whether it be our interests or our physical appearance, like my friends amazing fashion blog, the life of Pippa January (check it out if your into that stuff). Anyways I think in my search for meaning I came across my lack of cultural knowledge and decided to fix it. I think I've read six articles on the Welsh language this week alone! I went to a Welsh Music performance yesterday, and I've watched like ten youtube videos on Wales!

One very important part of Wales I have not decided to venture into is of course, ever looming Welsh politics. I have decided to take no part in arguing for or against Welsh independence from the United Kingdom. (unless of course I move to Wales myself!) I mean, I'm already over involved in American politics for my age!

 Okay back to the first question. Were the hell is Wales?

Answer your Question? The blue part of the map outlines Wales, the smallest nation of the United Kingdom, Wales is unfortunately sometimes group with England, although it is most certainly not, containing its own culture, people, and language. The only reason most Welsh people speak English today is because of British conquest in the area, forcing the natives to learn English. Wales had long been its own independent Celtic nation before this time and only had Welsh as its national language. Today all signs in Wales read in both English and of course the native tongue Welsh. Regarded by the natives of the country as Cymru, the language called Cymraeg. The capital of Wales being Cardiff. 

Enough information for you? I thought so. Chi rhyfeddod nag mwy!

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